Ross' Blog


Meibomianitis is an inflammatory condition involving the eyelid margins. I would venture to say that meibomianitis is one of the top 10 most common eye care conditions that I encounter within the clinic. Meibomianitis is often the underlying root cause to numerous other eye conditions, but is often neglected in the treatment process. Meibomianitis is caused when the oil glands located along the eyelid margin become inflamed or infected.  Left untreated meibomianitis can cause hordeolums (stye), madarosis (loss of eyelashes), blepharitis, burning eyes, contact lens irritation and dry eye syndrome.

Treatment for meibomianitis consists of warm compresses to melt and soften the oil in the glands, lid scrubs to remove the old oil and gentle eyelid massage to express out the old oil. Lid Scrubs are best performed in the shower with a 1 part baby shampoo to 3 parts water mixture or with commercially made products like Lid Care Towelettes as you can ensure that you thoroughly rinse any soap residue away. Occassionally for more severe cases, a short course of oral antibiotic medications such as Doxycycline are used. Prescription eye drops are usually ineffective in treating meibomianitis, but lubricating eye drops like Systane Ultra may provide some temporary relief from dry eye symptoms. Occasionally anti-inflammatory eye drops or antibiotic eye dorps are used to help initially get the inflammatory condition under control. In more chronic cases oral antibiotics may also be given.

If you suspect that you suffer from meibomianitis, please book an eye exam with your eye doctor.